Choose Freedom

Freedom is a God given, fundamental human right. It lets us enjoy the pleasures that mean most to us, from a fine meal to a work of art to a peaceful home. These things we enjoy are born out of creative freedom. Freedom to innovate, to explore, to disconnect, to be human. It’s freedom that has defined advanced civilizations from ancient times to the modern day.

In recent years, tech companies have encroached on our freedom. Seeking market share and the chance to provide more services, they have forced us into positions we do not want. In the old days, you could buy a piece of software and then use it freely for as long as you wanted. Now, you have to subscribe, and the provider tracks everything you do. It’s hard to even find a developer who understands how to leave users alone.

People are left with no alternative but to surrender their privacy. They convince themselves that it’s ok because they have nothing to hide, but this isn’t about hiding criminal activities: people should be free to choose what they share about their lives. 

We at Regwez want to provide an alternative. We are building software and services with privacy at their core, even if that goes against current business models. We believe that the pendulum will swing and people will demand their freedom back. Freedom to innovate, to make mistakes, to challenge the status quo. 

We want to give you the choice to be free.